Sunday, April 22, 2007


Photo by Jean-Marc Giboux

DG Erna has asked each club in District 5130 to raise an additional $10 per member for the Rotary International Polio eradication project.

The goal for our club is $460.00. We currently have collected $336.00. Thank you to those who have contributed. If we can collect from the tweleve members that have not yet donated, we'll be at goal. Please join DG Erna and Rotary International in the effort to eradicate this crippling disease.

Despite tremendous progress in reducing the incidence of polio, it still exists. Polio will continue to threaten children everywhere as long as it exists somewhere. In this age of global travel, a new outbreak of polio might only be a plane ride away.

Did you know that . . .

  • Polio is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects children under the age of three and can cause paralysis within hours.

  • Before eradication efforts began in 1988, polio paralyzed more than 1,000 children a day, which totaled about 350,000 children annually. The incidence of polio has since declined by more than 99 percent.

  • Vaccinations easily can stave off polio. Vaccinations have prevented an estimated 500,000 children per year from contracting polio. A child can be protected against polio for as little as 60 cents (US) worth of vaccine.

  • Only four countries are still polio endemic — an all-time low: Nigeria, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

    Rotary International is the spearheading member of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and is the largest private sector donor. It has contributed more than US$600 million to the polio eradication activities in 122 countries. In addition, tens of thousands of Rotarians have partnered with their national ministries of health, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and with health providers at the grassroots level in thousands of communities. A polio-free world is within our grasp.


Ernie Branscomb said...

Carolyn, I am so proud!

You not only made a post, you used bullet points, you pasted a photo, you centered the script, and you posted very pertinent material…..Fun huh?
P.S. I think that A. Dennis and O. Dennis have been trying also, but so far have failed miserably.


Carolyn said...

Thanks, Ern.

You're my inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on polio. I had no idea that polio was this close to being wiped out! Amazing!

Any post on why it isn't being cleared out in those four countries?