Saturday, March 17, 2007

Got Rocks?

Garberville got rocks! Got shrubs, got flowers! Thanks to Nancy Wilson and Brian Walker (ladies before gentlemen)of the Garberville Rotary community service commitee.

Progress is being made in what has become euphemistically known as the “Turn Around Project”. Some do not think it is technically a “Cul-De-Sac” because it is not a dead end street.
The project included removing old shrubs and debris, terraforming and adding rocks and plantings. A few minor obstacles were provided by the weather, and some of the equipment destroyed the electrical service. (darn tools anyway!) The panel was repaired and set in concrete, so it could be bashed really good the next time!
Irrigation pipe has been installed. The wiring for the lights and irrigation controls has also been installed. The only thing needed to complete the project is a couple more loads of rock, and then the spreading of the same.
The major bone of contention, of the whole project, was which rocks were going to be used, and where they would be placed. Some felt that the rocks looked really great right where they landed, when they fell of the back of the truck. Others felt, as always seems to be the case, that they had to be moved around a lot, then put back where they fell of the truck. Maybe we should have used those rocks from Death Valley, that move themselves. The movers always win! Get used to it!
One wise sidewalk superintendent suggested that we sell the rocks to people, to have their names carved on them before being set in place, thus paying for the whole project, and maybe funding the next one!
The project has caused much positive comment.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Harley tickets on sale!

The Garberville Rotary club is starting to sell tickets to to new Harley Sprint that Greg Phau has purchased for the Club. I hope to get some better photo's later, but this gives you an idea of what it looks like. Anyone would be proud to win it!

At the board meeting Tuesday mar. 13 2007 it was decided that all Rotarian's would get their fair share of tickets.So come prepared to pick up your tickets and start selling them.

There is a big reduction in the amount of tickets to sell this year, and we were able to keep the purchase price down to that, magic number, twenty dollars.
With the great riding weather we've had lately, they should sell fast.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One for the O'Sullivan Clan!

The Catholic Church is having a Corned Beef and Cabbage feed.

The Masonic Hall, locust street, Garberville.

4:00pm "til 8:00pm

$10.00 / adult

$6:00 / child

Thursday March 15, 2007 (Not St. Patrick's Day)

Rotary Blog-Site to remain open to the public.

At the meeting of the board of directors, on March 13, 2007. It was decided to keep this blog-site open for public viewing and comment. It was suggested that it might become an avenue to communicate with other clubs.

Strenuous, and valid comment was made for keeping it a private site, where only members of the Garberville Rotary would be able to access and comment. The issue of the Blogs privacy will be revisited if it becomes apparent that we need to do so.

Until then, the comments don't seem to be getting out of hand. If any comment is inappropriate for this site it can be "vaporised" with one little click of the "Administrators" mouse button!

It is hoped that at some point our timid group of stalwart business and professional people will take an interest in posting a few comments here.

If secretary Carolyn would E-Mail me the "public" results of the board meeting I would post them here.

If Bunny or Brian would like to publish something about or "Super school fund raiser" it would be okay.

Those Garberville Rotarians with valid Google accounts can, already, post articles such as this one you are reading. All the "Authorisations" are in place. And, I will help you if you get confused. I've already been there!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Notice from the Vocational Services Chairman.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I know of a company that needs a part time employee that is capable of working under houses and can pull wires.
Must be able to work unsupervised.
No experience necessary, company will train.
Construction skills a plus but not necessary.

Contact me; Ernie Branscomb

The job is NOT with me if that makes a difference! I didn't think it would!

Super School Fundraiser.

It was a wonderful evening. A Dennis sent me this picture to post. I wish I had the story and proper thanks to go with it.
From left to right Megan Johanneson, Seth Johanneson, Ernie Branscomb, Janis Branscomb.
The weather was more than nice, the food was outstanding, and the company was delightful.
I will be posting the full story and the proper thank you credits at a later date!
Until then keep checking.
If you ever learn to post comments, I will be glad to add features that you request. I will not always be able to respond right away, Janis still makes me work sometimes.

Okay, I hear some of us can't find where to comment.

Assuming that you got to this page, the next step to posting a comment is to click on the line right below this writing. Where it says "comments" , place the cursor over "comment" then right click the mouse. All of the recent comments will pop up and you can read them.

To write a comment, write your comment in the box provided to do that. Then, below the box, select an option as to how you want to post your comment. I suggest you select the "anonymous tab" because it is easier to use. you can sign your name in the box.
Then click on "publish" to post your comment. Be patient sometimes it takes a minute or so to publish.

Keep trying you will get it!


To those that have called me to say that they can't leave a comment.

Click on the little round circle in front of "Anonymous", then you can type and publish anything. Then sign it if you want.

Don't worry we will get the "hang of it" together.


Third time a "Charm"!

Thanks to Carolyn, Radar, Bunny and maybe others that have been trying to access this blog-spot. Thank-you for pointing out the mistakes in attempting to format this site.

It was not my intention to make this spot available for use until it was fully formatted, but unfortunately, as soon as you type in who is allowed to access this site, the site automatically sends out an e-mail inviting every one to start using it! The site was not ready for use at that point and it got very confusing for everyone. Most of all me!

I attempted to make it available anyway which, as it turned out, was another mistake. Sooo Sorry!

So, for now, this site will be available for anyone who has the web-site URL, and can be read and replyed to by anyone. I have made the site "unlisted" so it won't be addvertised as a public site. But, for now, please be aware that this is NOT a privite medium!

So be careful what you say and expect "outsiders" to leave weird comments.